Three family members break into a remote country house to recover secret documents, but discover a cult of wealthy adults dressed as babies inside with sexy “nurses” as their caretakers.
Cast: Dominic Brunt, Charlie Chuck, Kate Coogan Kate Coogan, Simon Corble, Sally Dexter, Nicky Evans, Joanne Mitchell, Seamus O’Neill
The original story for AOTAB was written by Joanne Mitchell.
Directed by Dominic Brunt.

The film’s gonzo excess and lurid imagination contains more genuine punk-rock attitude than any UK movie I’ve seen in ages.
Andrew Winter – Film Enquiry
There’s a joyousness about this kind of filmmaking, an imaginative piece of work. Destined to attract a cult following.
Jennie Kermode – Eye For Film.
There’s plenty for everyone to enjoy though. Whether you’re a fan of anything a bit bizarre or like your comedies oddly dark or you’re just love lots of gore, then this film’s for you.
Attack of the Adult Babies is the best of British horror bizarreness, right up there alongside The League of Gentleman, Aaaaaaaah! and Psychoville.
Alain Elliot – Nerdly
It’s fair to say they’re one of the most exciting teams working in UK indie horror in recent years. More of it, please!
Ben Bussey – Warped Perspective
A damn funny comedy.
Matt Hudson – Horror News
A great audience movie. The laughs trickle across the theatre, and grow throughout the crowd, as each distinct chuckle adds to the surreal humour of it all. Unlike anything else out there.
Benedict Seal – Bloody Disgusting
You will laugh, you will be grossed out but ultimately you will be entertained.
Bloody Flicks
Attack of the Adult Babies is funny. Really funny, in fact.
Luke Owen – Flickering Myth
Attack of the Adult Babies will put a smile on the face of any comedy horror lover.
Dave Adamson – Vulture Hound
At a time when swathes of modern horror films are so diluted as to be barely recognisable as such, it is refreshing to see a filmmaker bold enough to take risks. With a cast wholly committed to their caricatured roles, including a wicked turn from Joanne Mitchell who also co-produced, and effects akin to a major studio production, Attack Of The Adult Babies is a welcome slice of extreme genre cinema. It may well disgust, it will likely make you laugh, but it is never less than entertaining throughout, and for that Brunt and his overactive imagination should be applauded.
John Townsend – Diabilique Magazine
From watching Attack of the Adult Babies, it was more fun than I can put it into words. The movie is really a breath of fresh air to horror fans; it tries new things and smashes it out of the park. It is so common to finish watching a movie and instantly compare it to something you’ve seen before, however this movie is so unique that it crafts its own style which is so different to everything else released before it. After my first viewing, I instantly wanted to watch it again incase I’d missed anything and also because I wanted to repeat the experience (and what an amazing experience it is). Sometimes you watch something special that you know you’ll be talking about for years to come, Attack of the Adult Babies is one of those movies. It left me wanting more and I hope this is the first of many movies in this series as it has the potential to grow into an institution in British horror.
Neon Frights
A gloriously wild ride
Martin Unsworth – Starburst Magazine
Disgusting, depraved, brave, bonkers, brilliant and quintessentially British in its humour and depravity
Horror Hothouse